(s) – I Don’t want “Freedom of Religion”

…I want to require everyone to be Catholic. That way, if people behave badly, they are behaving contrary to some discrete set of values. Modernity tends to excuse bad behavior as a unique and individual “lived experience”, and most justice is effectuated by appealing to some pantheon of higher ideals like being on the right side of history or something something FREEDOM.

When I am a hypocrite, it means I am behaving in a way that hurts me, hurts society, and hurts God. When your average modern is a hypocrite, it necessarily means that they are behaving in a way that is beneficial to society, since their core values are unmoored by considerations of good or God.


(Zippy made a comment somewhere like this, I haven’t been able to find it. If you can, please let me know and I will give him proper credit for inspiring this line of thought.)

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